graffiti mur med voss logo

graffiti mur med voss logo

Street Art in Voss Village

Graffiti is a controversial art form. Some call it street art, while others consider it vandalism. In big cities, you can sign up for guided tours to see street art, and some works have been sold for substantial sums. Voss also boasts a lot of street art to be proud of. The artworks often draw inspiration from local culture and identity. Some pieces are commissioned, while others mysteriously appear during twilight hours.

Here is a guide to the street art you can find around Voss Village. Some artworks are conveniently located near other attractions, activities, or cafés, so why not treat yourself to a visit when you're out and about?

Enjoy the vibrant CULTURE!


Sinnataggen, by La Staa

sinnataggen i voss kulturhus
This artwork can be found indoors at Voss Kulturhus (Cultural Center). It was created in 2015 during the "Agalaus" art festival. To see it, enter through the main door and head right towards the cinema kiosk. Voss Kulturhus is open from 08:00 to 20:00 every day except Sundays, so you have plenty of time to admire this piece.

The fortunate should have charity, av ITPD

"The fortunate should have charity", eit gatekunstverk av ITPD
This artwork appeared on Kulturhuset (Cultural House) when a family, who had fled their homeland and settled in Voss, faced the threat of being deported. Many people spoke up, including the street artist ITPD. The piece depicts a young boy holding a sign that says "guilty of being a refugee," showing support for many families in similar situations.

Untitled, by JOY

ulike gatekunst motiv på voss kulturhus, bl.a. sauer
JOY, the street artist, seems to have enjoyed their time in Voss, leaving several works in the village. You can find this piece at Voss Kulturhus (Cultural House), and on the artist's Facebook page, it's commented: "Street art is culture." The artwork features ten sheep, which is quite synonymous with the village, known for its festival centered around eating sheep's heads (Smalahovesleppet). Both JOY and other artists have created works featuring sheep.

Vossa Jazz, by local youth

Gatekunst av diverse artistar, på Voss
This collaboration between Vossa Jazz and Vangsgryto Youth Club involved Doyenne Art and Papa Paul, professional street artists from Bergen, providing guidance to the young artists. The artwork can be seen in the underpass at Voss Station on the way to platforms 2-3. Can you spot any familiar faces on the wall?

Commissioned work for Vossa Jazz by ITPD

Emil i Lønneberget og ein pokemon karakter i graffitti-form
This piece is found on a wall by the office of Vossa Jazz. It is part of an exhibition from autumn of 2021. Maybe more art will appear on this wall?

Olav Dale, by ITPD

gatekunstverk av Olav dale på Voss
This artwork honors Olav Dale, a jazz musician, composer, saxophonist, and flutist known for his prominent role in the jazz community. It was created as part of the 48th jazz festival and is a part of the festival exhibition.

Artist Portraits, by Vangsgryto Youth

artistportrett spraymalt på garsjevegger
You can find portraits of drummer Kåre Opheim, folk musician Sigrid Moldestad, and saxophonist Tore Brunborg and many others on the walls of Bonangergata. The works were created by Vangsgryto Youth Club in collaboration with Vossa Jazz 2021 and festival artist ITPD.

Cradle of Ski Sports, by La Staa

skisportens vugge, på vekselbanken
Known as the "Olympic Village Voss," ski and winter sports are integral to Voss's culture and identity. This artwork, however, went through political discussions at both the local council and the County Governor's office. It adorns the eastern wall of Voss Veksel- og Landmandsbank and was created during the "Agalaus" festival in 2015. 

Dolphins, av Aagotart

delfiner av aagot art
Located in a back alley between Vangsgata and Uttrågata, you'll find four dolphins leaping from the wall behind the ironworks. The artwork has been there for as long as anyone can remember but was more visible when the street was open for through traffic. Dolphins were chosen as the motif because they resemble the porpoises seen in the Hardangerfjord. Some reptiles were also painted along the ground level of the walls, but they have washed away over the years.

Sinnataggen nr2, av LaStaa

gatekunstverk av sinnataggen, på voss
A second Sinnataggen can be found by the outdoor scene in Voss.

Role Models, by KDA, Voss Gymnas, and Dino Dikic

gatekunst av heltar til KDA elevane ved voss gymnas
This artwork was completed on May 7, 2021, by students from the art, design, and architecture program at the local high school, along with street artist Dino Dikic. It adds color to Uttrågata and received significant positive attention within a few days. The artwork features portraits of role models such as Charles Darwin, Emma Watson, Billie Eilish, Stan Lee, Marsha P. Johnson, and Erling Braut Haaland.

Vossa Jazz and Pride, av ITPD

vossa jazz graffiti - trompetist  

pride, vossa jazz graffiti
Vossa Jazz's 2021 artist is an "old school artist" who uses stencils and spray. This tradition includes setting up outdoor art exhibitions, such as these works in the parking house "VossaPark" in the town center.

Butterfly and Night Sky (Unknown)

gatekunstverk av ein sommarfugl og nokre blomar i voss parkeringshus

gatekunstverk av fugl og ein nattehimmel

These two pieces are also located in VossaPark. The butterfly is on level 1, and the seagull gazing at the night sky is on level 2. The artists responsible for these works are unknown; you can contact Visit Voss if you have any tips about the artists behind them.

More to do: 8 activities you don't want to miss during your stay in Voss

Sparrow, by Sigurd Jensen

spurv i graffiti
This colorful masterpiece was created by Sigurd Jensen in 2016 and can be found behind Circkle K gas station, close to Vossapark.

Engelsk setter and drone, av Joy

gatekunstverk av engelsk setter som jakter en drone
JOY has been doing street art since 2013. This artwork featuring an English Setter following a drone appeared in Voss in 2021 and seems to be part of the "September" series, including 10 English Setters, 10 Gordon Setters, and 10 Irish Setters. This Setter is located in the heart of Voss, next to Coop Extra..

Knitting Sheep, by La Staa

strikkesau av la staa, på voss
La Staa is a Norwegian street artist known for works with a humorous undertone, often centered around Norwegian cultural heritage and contemporary society. "Knitting Sheep" is perfect for Voss, as sheep are an integral part of the village's culture. You can find the sheep near the underpass by Vinmonopolet, where Strandavegen road meets the town center.

Bob Dyland, by La Staa

bob dyland sitat hos Voss Vind
"The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind" is written on the wall of Norway's first vertical wind tunnel, Voss Vind. The artwork suits the relaxed and laid-back atmosphere at Voss Vind perfectly, where you can see smiles on everyone's faces. If you visit during opening hours, make sure to see some flyers in action.

Gatekunst av diverse artistar, på Voss Vind

ulike motiv i street art form

Throughout 2021, several artworks have appeared on the walls of Voss Vind, all seemingly inspired by Voss's reputation for extreme sports.

Commissioned work by Street Art Bergen

At the VossaMarknaden, many houses needed a fresh coat of paint. Simultaneously, several new street art pieces were created in Voss in 2021, but most were individual works. Therefore, VossaMarknaden and Street Art Bergen teamed up for a larger project. Over a weekend, they covered most of the walls of the old barns, the backyard, and exterior walls with various works inspired by both "The Bridal Procession in Hardanger" and Mexican culture. Street Art Bergen facilitated the project, but the artists are both individual artists and from various groups.

street art kunstnar på evanger
gatekunstverk under arbeid, på evanger
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